Monday, January 21, 2013

Coming Out of Hiding and Going Into Embarrassing

So sorry for my absence, I've been hiding out in my bunker for the end of the world... 
You know, to let the toxic fumes settle and what not,
Turns out the Earth is still spinning. 
Wow what a waste of a whole month! 
Kidding! I'm only slightly crazy and Out of my Mind!! 
Some people took that news seriously,
I bet they feel foolish, I know I do, but for much less :)

What could I possibly feel foolish for
(I know everyone is thinking that question, because clearly I'm Superb!)
Well let me prove that wrong, Not the 'Superb!' part, that is very much true,
I'm talking about the foolish bit.
Let's dive in to these little treats!

First let's begin with the end of 2012
December 31st, a day that will go down with infamy.
 The day the flood gates opened until all waters were loosed.
It all began when my boss made a terribly inappropriate, but hysterical joke.
The punchline was I ended up peeing my pants from laughing so hard.
(Ironically enough, the joke was about her peeing her pants, which she didn't, I covered that).
At least I ended the year with a Spray err, Bang!

3 days later on the 3rd of January I went on campus to get all signed up for school
(Yeee, so excited about that part!)
Anyway, I'm shoe-boppin' around on campus taking care of business,
I just got done taking my Student ID picture.
As I'm leaving the SUB, I see this kid behind a desk by the automatic sliding doors.
(Now to clarify these doors are different than normal, 
You would assume they would slide to the right to open, NOPE, They slide to the left... apparently.)
So I'm staring, thinking he looks familiar, and he finally looks up at me and 
BAM! I walked into the side of the sliding doors... that don't slide.  
Don't worry that this kid thought I was checking him out (which I wasn't, not entirely)
Slightly embarrassed I sprint out of the doors laughing at my stupidity.

I've just been feeling a little sluggish and down the last few days and
I thought everyone could use a good laugh, including myself.
You're welcome! 
BTW I'm more embarrassed about walking into the door than peeing my pants,
sadly this is not the first time that has happened, and I know it won't be the last.  :)

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