Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fix It With a Kiss

Remember growing up between the ages 2-7 (ish)
It didn't matter when, where, or what, if you were in trouble, there were your parents.
Always there to make sense and stay calm of any traumatic experience that a 4 year old could possibly experience. 

It's the middle of the night, you wake up in a hot sweat.
Screaming for help because some other-worldly, monstrous, beast has been chasing you.
Luckily there's dad to say, "It's okay, it's only a dream."
He strokes your hair Kisses your head.
There he stays by the side of the bed until you've fallen back asleep.

You're outside with made-up games
They become real. It's fun, exhilarating, adventurous:
Hiking up the side of an active volcano.
Flying through the clouds, racing against time.
Cutting through vines in the deep of the Amazon.

The volcano erupts, you turn to run, but fall and scrape your knee.
The clouds are too thick, impairing your vision, you bash into the side of a plane.
Unaware of the dangers of the jungle, you head right into a thick patch of thorns.
Seriously injured, no where to go and completely stunned, what do you do?

Run to mom who's baking in the kitchen, 
Harboring a magic power in her lips.
Simple as that, 
She kisses your life threatening wound.
You are instantly healed,
 Back to your courageous adventures.

When you are at that precious age, everything can be mended.
Fixed with a kiss.
All of life's problems fade away with a simple touch of the lips to your head,
your knee, elbow, cheek.
Wherever the infected area is, your parents gently press their mouths upon it,
Instantly you are healed.

You reach a certain age where kisses are no longer Magic.
For a while they are gross, even meaningless.
You will and have tried to wipe them away so you look cool (secretly you did like it)
And once again you are in a stage where you want to be kissed.
Preferably from someone outside of the family.
It's shows that people who don't have to like you, do.

Now. Now you are here.
Wishing for that simple age where you can Fix it with a Kiss.
Where all of these insane issues, you never thought you would have to endure, 
could be easily solved; kissed away.
A kiss is now reassuring, empowering, and enduring.

Where did growing up ever become popular? I'll never know.
What I wouldn't give to have my problems fixed with a kiss.
There are times when it happens and for a brief moment, 
ever so small, but present
I feel my troubles being fixed with magic.

My monsters are conquered,
Injured knees, now healed,
Searing pain melted away.
My dreams become unhindered.
Moments later I feel better. Refreshed.
I have the strength to go on and be strong like I know I can be.

I'm not the only one searching for this Mystical power.
If only we were 4 again.
Our only problems: How to get out of nap time?
How close are Mom and Dad when I need their Magic powers?

Sometimes we need help,
A little reassurance,
Even trusted guidance.
A simple fix 
With the sweetest press of a Kiss.