Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Curse of an Uncensored Mouth

To say the least, I've been dreading this day for well over a month.

In all honesty, I really do wear my emotions on my sleeves.
Ecstatic, you know it. Sad, where's that smile? Mad... Looookout! Flustered, what's with the waterworks?
Needless to say, if I'm not my chipper self, you can tell with just a glance.
I'm the world's worst liar, but I have told some of the best lies.

It all started with a text message to celebrate a birthday with dinner and friends.
I knew he would be there and my heart beat with anticipation; a memorable sensation that had overcome me every time that we would spend a day together, talk on the phone, go in for a kiss...
I loved him.
I didn't know what would happen, it had been a month and a half since we last talked. Last been in each other's presence. I was slowly gaining back what small amount of sanity I owned.
I knew I was going to cry, of course! I'm a girl, it's what we do... It's what I do. That's me when something happens that I don't understand or like.

I walked through the door longing to see him, praying he wasn't there, hoping all along that he was.
I glanced up and sure enough there he sat, charming as ever.  I was instantly sweating like a snowman in July. He was the sun and I was fully aware of our close proximity. I knew by the end of the evening I was going to be one mess of a puddle.  This could be problematic.

What is happening? Why is my mouth moving so fast? Oh great, I've started rambling.
Rambling (verb.)- In the act of Ranting not only does the person (Jessie) start talking fast, but also in complete ridiculousness. In extreme cases she may get very loud, have a deep boisterous laugh, and be completely unbearable.  
Yep, word vomit knows its way through my mouth all too well. There I was burning through conversation. Where was my filter? If I hadn't known myself any better I would have thought someone slipped something in my drink. That couldn't have been true though, our waitress loved me. 
After all, wouldn't you if I accused you of calling all the men at our table Mr. Pimps and then offering to be your "bottom bitch."
( I clearly watch way too much South Park and have a hearing problem.)
 Our waitress had asked the guys (because they had sodas) if they would like some more Mr. Pip's. That's the name of the soda at BWW.
Minus the fact that I was looking as hot as hell, I did not play it cool at all, at least my mouth didn't. Where's a bar of soap when you need one?
It was a fun night, I now know that I clearly need a muzzle in public, I'd get less stares from that than when I talk. When I'm nervous all mouth/mind censors are nonexistent.  I don't know what I'm saying, when I'm saying it, or what's coming next.

It was pure torture being a seat away and having the wind waft his all too familiar scent of cologne right in my line of inhalation. So many memories flooded my mind, late night conversations, hugs, that scent on my pillow after he left. I know I said we can't be friends, but now I'm saying this; just to be clear, I will kick myself for it in the morning. 
This is how I feel, how I feel right now and I can't deny it, I can't overlook it. I would so much rather still have him in my life than not. It might will be tough at first, but I don't want to lose anyone in  my life for good.
Everything has its own Reason and every Reason has its own Place.
I'm still trying to find the perfect spot for this Piece, but soon enough it will fit into my crazy puzzle of a life.
I've learned a lot, gained a lot, and can now say I won't lose a lot.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Oh Mystic Magic 8 Ball...

I haven't given up per se, as I have just found a more....
Inventive way to make important decisions.
I use to do Eeny Meeny Miny Moe, (Honest truth, that's how I ended up going to school at ISU) But I've moved on to a much more sophisticated decision method.

I love Magic 8 balls!
They are like Wikipedia; super reliable (heavily accented with sarcasm).
To quote a wise man, " Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want, so you know you are getting the best possible information."  -Michael Scott, The Office
Right? Right!!

So on Thursdays I travel to Blackfoot to work and whoo, what a huge town that is!
.... It's not. 
I work with children and it's hard to keep them entertained when I can't even keep myself entertained. Sadly, I will admit, I have spent over an hour in Walmart... Is that bad? A doo do doo, Yes that is bad (Some SNL for my SNL lovers).
Moving on.
I have made it my top priority to seek out a Magic 8 Ball in every store I go to.
And yes, I ask these Magic 8 Balls all of my important questions to help me figure out my life and future course.
Surprisingly it was very beneficial, because of it I now know:
1. What I'm doing for my future career and how I'm doing it
B. Whom I will invest my dating interest in
3. Whether I should tan on my roof (Which I did)
 Then I ask it a bunch of other random questions that have crept into the crevices of my brain and are eating away at my SANITY.
I always ask it 3 times just to make sure the answer is legit.
I really should just invest in one so I can stop making midnight runs to the store when I have a crisis that needs answering NOW!
(*Side note- Brownie Points to anyone that gets me a Magic 8 Ball and then I'll take you on date; Yes this invitation is for Everyone!) 

Monday, August 13, 2012

The 'Jessie Voice'

I was informed from my lovely coworker today that I have a very
'Jessie Voice.'
I was offended. What on Earth qualifies for a 'Jessie Voice?' 
She kept making fun of me and claimed she was impersonating me, my manger agreed.
If I sounded like that I wanted to be shot.
They found themselves quite humorous.  Jess laughed and ended up snorting, Rachel  laughed until no sound came out, I laughed until I reached my loud, boisterous laugh.
As much as I would love to disagree, Jess was pretty spot on with the impression.
 It did, however, seem as if my name was being used as a verb
(we all know that only happens when you mess something up- i.e. 'You really Jessied that one up' or 'Way to pull a Jessie').
It was killing me, so I finally asked what that even meant.
Apparently it's a good thing- *whew* what a relief!
I have a soft, airy voice for when I apologize, notice something that I hadn't before, and am completely oblivious.
It's very "Jessie," they both claimed.  
It was sweet, minus the whole impersonating and taunting,
But I'll take the compliment.
Hooray for the 'Jessie Voice' Hooray!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fresh Start

So it has officially been a week since I moved into my new apartment! Whoop!
I now have the chance to make new memories and hopefully replace some old ones.
Not so I can forget about certain events, but just so I can move on and stop thinking 'What If '.
Most days I feel like I'm standing still while I watch others move on to greater things.
I'm happy for them... I just wish I knew what I was doing with my life.

I feel like I'm in an ice cream shop, there are all these vibrant, exciting, wonderful flavors, nearly a hundred to choose from. 
I know I want something new, something that will send my senses on a trip.
Sadly, reluctantly I go for the same option... Coconut Almond.
It's good, don't get me wrong, but it's safe.
I'm becoming complacent. 
I'm too afraid that if I go for something new it won't be as good as my usual...
but what if it's better?
Again with those two simple words... What and If. 
Ineffective, but when used together with the right amount of gusto, these two words, reared with a little action from behind can change any course. 
From Coconut Almond to Razz-Ma-Tazz ( which I'm hoping is a real flavor because that would be fantastic!)

This is my attempt to reflect on my life and make some changes that obviously wouldn't hurt.
And much like Milk- do the body some good.
I'm cautious when it comes to the rest of my life.
There are times when I forget I'm an adult, and that I need to seriously consider my future.
The rest of the time I still feel 17 and I don't have any worries. Besides if the kid sitting across from me in English is going to be my first kiss or not (which he was).
That was 3 years ago and now I need to worry about big kid stuff... Yuck!
As far as I'm concerned if I close my eyes my problems will fly right past me and when I go to sleep they disappear into the night and are just a clouded dream.
These are the simple joys of being 5.
Cheers to a New Beginning and the Pros and Cons of growing up.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Welp.... I started this Blog over 2 Months ago. At the time I felt as if I had so much to say and as soon as I got it set up, I was speechless.
I am never at a loss for words, if I am, I ramble... A Lot!
I've also been pretty busy with 3 jobs... What!? Yeah I'm Pret-ty Impressive.
But that has kind of slowed my take-off with this as well, that and the fact that I'm a procrastinator (try world reigning champ).
 Like I always say why quit something you're good at?
I'm Excellent at putting things off.
Enough about me... Kidding this is my blog, of course I'm going to talk about me, things that pertain to me, and objects of interest that don't pertain to me, but wish they did.
Stay tuned, as there will be something AWESOME posted soon, if not it's all good this is more for me anyway.
(Followers/Stalkers are welcome... Nay, strongly advised)