One day we'll be together
One day I'll give you hug
One day you'll say you love me
And one day you'll never leave.
It's so hard to miss someone you've never met
Yet every day so easy to forget.
Tonight is especially hard... I'm not sure why?
I sit here and cry when I should be happy.
Happy to know you loved me so much,
Happy to have three wonderful mothers.
Happy to be where I am today,
Knowing I wouldn't be here otherwise.
Feeling so connected to someone I've never met, nor seen.
Not knowing is the worst part though.
Not knowing if I'll ever see you,
Not knowing If I can ever thank you.
Ever give you a hug.
Tell you I love you for what you've done.
I wish you were here to give me a hug.
Say you love me.
How proud you are of me.
Bask in my small, yet defined triumphs, that have made me who I am.
Lend me your shoulder and your tears
While we share past heartaches,
Trials, and fears.
I shouldn't be complaining, some people only have one.
How lucky am I to have been blessed with two more?
Two mothers whom I can see often.
I love them quite dearly.
But It's the one I haven't met that I often ache to see.
Do I have your nose,
Your laugh,
Your ears,
Your bright eyes?
Or even your ridiculous trait to over-analyze every little detail in life? :)
(Maybe that one's just me)
One day...
I'll find my way back to your arms.
The same ones that held me 20 years ago.
The arms I pain for on the toughest of nights.
The ones that I need for reassurance.
Until then, your poems will suffice,
And the dreams of you will make due.
For now, I
Think of you, more than I need.
Pray for you, not nearly enough.
Miss you, way too much.
Love you, more than you know.
One day... One day we'll meet.
My Birth-mother's Poem (one of the two) she wrote for me
May 31, 1992 -3 days after I was born:
Saying Good-bye
How can I say Good-bye,
to someone as perfect as you?
You're so small and fragile,
Yet as strong as a baby can be.
Your skin so tan and silky,
Your forehead long and flat,
Your little nose with its little dots,
And tiny rash on its tip.
Oh what cute little cheeks you have,
How puffy they seem to be.
That deep, deep blue your eyes set off
Just stops my beating heart.
The way you suck on your bottom lip,
Making your top lip over-lap.
What innocence your face portrays
as silently, and peacefully you nap.
How can I say Good-bye to you,
After nine months of loving care?
Oh, how can I say Good-bye to you,
My Daughter, my Angel, my Love.
:( This made me cry in the worst of ways. J Rae, I hope that you get to meet her soon. You deserve to have all of your wishes come true. And also, I love that your mom's description of you is still just as accurate today.